Master in Strategic Design and Innovation

Key Data

  • Start: October 21st 2024.
  • End: July 31st 2025.
  • ECTS Credits: 60.
  • Certificate: Master's degree issued by Elisava and University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC).
  • Methodology: Online.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Director: Marta Domingo.
  • Limited seats.


Master in Strategic Design and Innovation: creating holistic solutions to today’s challenges

The contemporary paradigm of design goes beyond aesthetics and functionality; it focuses on a holistic understanding of people and their diversity to address their challenges.

The Master’s in Strategic Design and Innovation promotes the generation of solutions that adapt to these realities, striking a balance between strategic and creative thinking.

Throughout the Master’s in Strategic Design and Innovation, there is a deep dive into the identification and analysis of relevant issues for individuals in their context. This approach is informed by a comprehensive understanding of users’ needs, emotions, and experiences, offering solutions that directly impact their quality of life.

The objective goes beyond simply improving products and services; it involves designing more inclusive environments, more accessible services, and more meaningful experiences that benefit society as a whole.

If you are willing to delve into this transformative field, our program will equip you with the skills and perspectives necessary to lead these initiatives of change with significant impact.


The Master in Strategic Design and Innovation is structured in two postgraduate programs: A first Postgraduate in Service Design and Design Thinking, which focuses on a detailed exploration of the fundamentals of strategic design; and a second Postgraduate in Business Innovation and Design Leadership, which delves into the direct application of strategic design in real-world contexts and organizations.

We offer you 3 itineraries within the discipline of Strategic Design:

  • Take either of the two postgraduate programs independently.
  • Start with one of the two postgraduate programs: Service Design or Business Innovation and Design Leadership, and then continue with the second postgraduate program to complete the Master’s Degree.
  • Enroll directly in the Master’s Degree and take both postgraduate programs at a discount.

You choose the option that best suits your needs.


By taking the Online Master in Strategic Design you will learn to:

  • Anticipating and contextualizing future trends and challenges.
  • Empathizing with users through effective research techniques.
  • Clearly defining user needs and devising innovative solutions.
  • Creating strategies that influence organizations and industries.
  • Generating disruptive and sustainable solutions.
  • Acquiring skills to lead teams and projects with vision and purpose.


Postgraduate in Service Design and Design Thinking

  • Contextualize: Anticipation of future trends and changes to address challenges in dynamic contexts through the exploration and analysis of megatrends.
  • Empathize: Deep understanding of users, identification of their needs, and application of interview techniques and concept mapping.
  • Define: Identification of meaningful patterns from research data to formulate problem statements and generate key questions.
  • Ideate: Stimulate divergent thinking to generate a wide range of ideas, fostering collaboration and selecting the best solutions.
  • Prototype: Creation and iteration of user-centric prototypes, with emphasis on continuous improvement and feedback.
  • Communicate: Clear and effective communication of ideas, projects, and solutions.
  • Postgraduate Final Project.

More information on the Postgraduate Program in Service Design and Design Thinking

Postgraduate in Business Innovation and Design Leadership

  • Design as Leadership: Creation of experience strategies and tools for organizational influence.
  • Design as an Innovation Tool: Application of strategic design in existing business models, generation of value propositions, and focus on innovation in operational models.
  • Design as a Lever for Transformation: Deepening the strategic role of design in companies, its influence on decision-making, and its ability to drive cultural and organizational changes.
  • Design as a Creative Culture: Development of leadership skills to guide creative teams, foster collaboration and teamwork, and positively influence multidisciplinary creative projects.
  • Postgraduate Final Project.

More information about the Postgraduate Program in Business Innovation and Design Leadership


*The program includes an annual license to the Adobe Suite package.

Creative Pills

In addition to the specific modules of the Master, you will also be able to access two training workshops on tools and methodologies related to the world of creation and design.

In the following link you access the list of all the creative pills you can take during the master’s degree. You can choose up to two at no cost.

Who it is aimed at

The Master in Strategic Design and Innovation is aimed at students who want to develop their skills in proposing solutions to current business challenges through design. Professionals who aspire to deepen their understanding of users and their interaction with digital products and services, combining creative thinking, exploration and analytical rigor. The ideal profiles work or aspire to work in the following areas:

  • Marketing.
  • Innovation.
  • Digital and physical product development.
  • Experience design and interaction.
  • Business strategy.

Career opportunities

The Online Master in Strategic Design can open up a wide variety of career opportunities, as it provides students with skills and knowledge in design applied to business strategy. Some of the possible career opportunities include:

  • UX Researcher.
  • UX/UI Designer.
  • Digital project manager.
  • Service Designer.
  • Strategic Design.
  • Customer Experience.
  • Employee Experience.
  • Innovation consultant.
  • Design project manager.


  • Our methodology is 100% online, providing the flexibility to combine training with the rest of your professional and personal responsibilities.
  • Methodological model supported by the rigor of Elisava and the University of Vic - Central de Catalunya.
  • Methodology based on Learning by Doing with the realization of real projects.
  • Flexible model that combines synchronous and asynchronous training.
  • Weekly live videoconferences with teachers between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. (CET).
  • Recording of live sessions to view them later.
  • Personalized monitoring and tutoring by a specialized team.

Admission process

The entry requirements for the Master in Strategic Design and Innovation are as follows:

  • University degree in a creative or business discipline.
  • If they do not have a university degree, it is possible to gain access on the basis of professional experience that can be accredited (in this case they will not be able to receive a Master's degree, but a university specialization degree).
  • Good reading comprehension in English (recommended).
  • Computer and good internet connection.
  • Be an efficient, planned and autonomous learner.
  • As a benefit, by enrolling in the master's degree, you will become part of the Elisava Bold alumni community during the academic year in which you are studying the SHIFTA master's degree.

Methods of payment and financing

From SHIFTA, we offer you the following forms of financing so that the economic aspect is not an impediment.

Single payment
If you pay for the master’s degree in cash, you will receive a 5% discount on the final price.

Own financing
We offer you the possibility of financing the master’s or postgraduate course in up to 10 monthly installments at no financial cost (0% TAE).

External financing
If you want a larger number of installments, we have an agreement with Nemuru, the external financing platform, which allows you to extend the installments up to 18 months. (Option subject to the approval of the financial institution itself after studying the relevant documentation). You will be able to access them once your admission to the program has been notified.

Bonus for companies
You can finance your training thanks to the bonuses offered by the State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE) and the Tripartite Foundation to companies to train their workers. In this case, we have the support of an external consultancy specialized in this process.

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