Postgraduate in FrontEnd for Designers

Key Data

  • Start: October 21st 2024.
  • End: March 23rd 2025.
  • ECTS Credits: 30.
  • Certificate: Own degree issued by Elisava and UVic-UCC.
  • Methodology: Online.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Director: Jordi Espuny.
  • Available places: 30.


Postgraduate in FrontEnd for designers: creating synergies between design and web programming

In an increasingly digitalized world where there are more websites and applications every day, it is essential to work on the visible part of an interface and the part with which users interact. In this frontend development, programming and design must go hand in hand to create attractive, intuitive and functional interfaces.

Aware of this junction, design professionals seek to understand the interface creation process in order to work more effectively and ensure that the web designs they come up with are not only visually appealing but also functional and technically feasible.

The Postgraduate in FrontEnd for designers arises as a response to this new reality with the aim of introducing design professionals to the world of web development.

Through the knowledge of the main programming languages such as HTML, CSS and Java Script, you will understand the process of creating interfaces in depth and you will be able to propose more pragmatic designs, considering the possibilities and limitations of their implementation. In addition, the Postgraduate in FrontEnd will allow you to establish a more effective collaboration with the programming team, therefore improving the web development process.

(*) Degree in process of validation by UVic-UCC.


The objectives of the Postgraduate in FrontEnd for Designers are:

  • Become familiar with the most commonly used tools in FrontEnd development.
  • Understand the basics of web development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Learn JavaScript from a design-centric perspective.
  • Learn responsive design techniques.
  • Understand the importance of JavaScript to improve the user experience.
  • Experiment with interactive prototyping.


Block 1: General concepts

  • Fundamentals and context of FrontEnd Development.
  • Advanced tools and FrontEnd development principles.

Block 2: HTML and CSS

  • Fundamentals of HTML and principles of web design.
  • In-depth study of HTML: Semantics, Structure and Forms.
  • Introduction to CSS: Design and Customization of Websites.
  • In-depth study of CSS: Box Model, Units and Flexbox.

Block 3: CSS

  • Introduction to SASS: Variables, Nested Rules and Functions.
  • Typography, Icons, Fluid fonts and Pseudo classes.
  • Layouts and positioning. Flexbox and CSS Grid and exploration of CSS frameworks.
  • Responsive and intrinsic design, responsive images, media queries and CSS animations.

Block 4: JavaScript

  • JavaScript fundamentals in web design: variables, operators and flow control.
  • In-depth study of JavaScript: DOM, Events, API Access and Debugging.
  • Libraries and APIs in web projects, graphics and advanced functionalities.
  • Introduction to AJAX, JSON and asynchronous JavaScript.

Block 5: Frameworks

  • FrontEnd development with Node.js, npm and Parcel.
  • FrontEnd Frameworks: advantages, installation, comparison and examples with Vue.js.
  • Progressive Web Applications (PWA). Firebase for storage and database.
  • Management and deployment of web applications: Netlify, Git and usage metrics.

Block 6: Final Postgraduate Project

Creative Pills

In addition to the specific Postgraduate modules, you will also have free access to two training workshops on tools and methodologies related to the world of creation and design.

In the following link you will find the list of all the creative pills available. Choose the ones that best suit your profile!

Who it is aimed at

The FrontEnd for designers program is designed for:

  • Graphic design professionals looking to enter the field of web development.
  • People involved in UX and UI design who wish to expand their knowledge in FrontEnd.
  • Professionals who want to understand web development from a design point of view.

Career opportunities

After successfully completing the Postgraduate program in FrontEnd for Designers you will be able to work as a web designer in:

  • Digital design agencies.
  • IT, marketing or design departments.
  • Digital product development companies.


  • Our methodology is 100% online, providing the flexibility to combine training with the rest of your professional and personal responsibilities.
  • Methodological model supported by the rigor of Elisava and the University of Vic - Central de Catalunya.
  • Methodology based on Learning by Doing with the realization of real projects.
  • Flexible model that combines synchronous and asynchronous training.
  • Weekly live videoconferences with teachers between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. (CET).
  • Recording of live sessions to view them later.
  • Personalized monitoring and tutoring by a specialized team.

Admission process

The entry requirements for the Postgraduate in FrontEnd for Designers are as follows:

  • University degree in a creative discipline or other related subjects such as engineering, communication, advertising, computer science, psychology and business administration.
  • If you do not have a university degree, it is possible to gain access on the basis of professional experience that can be accredited (in this case you will not be able to receive a Master's degree, but a university specialization degree).
  • Good reading comprehension in English (recommended).
  • Computer and good internet connection.
  • Be an efficient, planned and autonomous learner.

Methods of payment and financing

From SHIFTA, we offer you the following forms of financing so that the economic aspect is not an impediment.

Single payment
If you pay for the postgraduate’s degree in cash, you will receive a 5% discount on the final price.

Own financing
We offer you the possibility of financing the master’s or postgraduate course in up to 10 monthly installments at no financial cost (0% TAE).

External financing
If you want a larger number of installments, we have an agreement with Nemuru, the external financing platform, which allows you to extend the installments up to 18 months. (Option subject to the approval of the financial institution itself after studying the relevant documentation). You will be able to access them once your admission to the program has been notified.

Bonus for companies
You can finance your training thanks to the bonuses offered by the State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE) and the Tripartite Foundation to companies to train their workers. In this case, we have the support of an external consultancy specialized in this process.

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