Short Course in WordPress {for Designers}

Key Data

  • Start: October 21st 2024.
  • End: November 24th 2024.
  • Certificate: SHIFTA by Elisava.
  • Methodology: Online.
  • Language: Spanish.
  • Limited slots: 25.
  • Price: €700.


Short Course in WordPress {for Designers}: developing websites with WordPress

WordPress is a very versatile tool, which allows to tackle complete web projects, from a low-code and even no-code approach, unlike other technologies and more complex development environments. Moreover, once you have acquired a certain fluency using WordPress, it becomes a perfect environment for web and web-app design and prototyping.

The Short Course in WordPress for Designers aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop websites using WordPress, one of the most popular and versatile content management systems (CMS) available today.

The aim of this program is to enable design professionals to make the most of the capabilities of WordPress, from initial configuration to customization and the incorporation of additional functionalities through plugins.

At the end of the Short Course in WordPress for Designers, you will be prepared to create functional and adaptable websites that meet the requirements and expectations of your clients or personal projects.


The objectives of the Wordpress course for designers are:

  • Learning how to install and configure Wordpress both in local environments and on online servers.
  • Acquiring a solid and detailed knowledge of Wordpress.
  • Understanding the back-end and front-end to manage content, design pages and customize the look and feel of websites.
  • Mastering the customization and extension of Wordpress through plugins.
  • Developing skills to identify and solve technical and design problems.


  • Introduction to Wordpress and preparation of the working environment.
  • Exploration of the back-office and design of Wordpress sites.
  • Complete site editing and advanced customization in Wordpress.
  • Customization of Wordpress for specific projects.
  • Extending Wordpress with Plugins.

Who it is aimed at

The Short Course in Wordpress for designers is aimed at a wide range of profiles with a general interest in web design:

  • Design professionals who wish to include the development of websites using Wordpress.
  • Digital marketing and IT professionals who want to create and manage websites.
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners who want to create and manage their own website.


  • 100% online training with access to the Virtual Campus from wherever and whenever you want.
  • Methodological model supported by the rigor of Elisava and the University of Vic - Central de Catalunya.
  • Methodology based on Learning by Doing with the realization of real projects.
  • Flexible model that allows you to combine training with other professional and personal responsibilities.
  • Weekly live videoconferences with teachers between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. (CET).
  • Recording of live sessions to view them later.
  • Personalized monitoring and tutoring by a specialized team.

Admission process

The requirements for access to the Short Course in Wordpress for designers are:

  • Computer and good internet connection.
  • Be an efficient and planned person.


We offer you two forms of financing so that the economic aspect is not an impediment.

Own financing
We offer you the possibility of paying for the course in 2 monthly installments without any interest.

Bonus for companies
You can finance your training thanks to the bonuses offered by the State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE) and the Tripartite Foundation to companies to train their workers. In this case, we have the support of an external consultancy specialized in this process.


You can enroll in the Short Course in WordPress for designers by filling out the form on this page.

Once the payment is made, we will send you the registration certificate and you will be ready to start the course on the established date.

Enroll now

Enroll now

Curso en Wordpress

Una vez realizado el pago, te enviaremos el certificado de la matrícula y ya estarás a punto para iniciar el curso en la fecha establecida.

Subtotal 700,00 €

Total 700,00 €