SHIFTA is 100% online, digital and global

SHIFTA is the Online School for Digital Creators launched in 2018 by ELISAVA, the Barcelona University School of Design and Engineering.

Our the aim is training professionals in creative disciplines through learning that combines conceptualisation and development.

Our mission is to offer a transversal and holistic view >of creative processes in the digital society in order to train future digital creators. Are you one of them?


Think. Make. Change.

Designing is not about mastering the Adobe Creative Suite or the penultimate tool for creating digital experiences. Tools come and go but concepts remain. To design is to create; to have ideas and to know how to put them into practice. In the creative process, only 10% is inspiration, the remaining 90% is based on effort and experimentation. There are no shortcuts, even if you are told so.

At SHIFTA we want to stimulate your mind through different resources so that you can activate your creativity, come up with strategies and generate new ideas that influence society. You will learn to create and design, not only to use Photoshop.

by Elisava and UVic-UCC

Thanks to Elisava’s more than 50 years of experience, as well as its recognised prestige not only in Spain but also globally, and its involvement in 2021 as Faculty of Design and Engineering of the Central University of Catalonia (UVic-UCC), we have brought together the best of these on-site schools to offer quality training that breaks down geographical barriers and allows us to bring knowledge to any part of the world.

+ 2500
students trained
+ 150
active teachers
+ 60
training programs
+ 20



SHIFTA’s methodology is based on two basic axes: creation and digital, which always revolve around the students. Under a 100% online format and supported by Elisava, you will not only acquire and update your knowledge, but you will also have the opportunity to put it into practice from the very first moment.

How? Through real-time videoconferences given weekly, constant tutoring by SHIFTA’s teaching staff, the proposed projects and practical exercises, both individual and group, and the resources and tools that you will have available on the Virtual Campus.

Once you have completed your training, you will be a professional with a critical, analytical and creative eye capable of creating unique experiences.